Proof :
I speak with proof!
I'm a member since September 17, 2011 and after much work I finally got my transaction yesterday. On October 13, 2011, I upgraded my account to Premium and worked from there 'til now when I made $10.25.
Anyone seeing this proof who wants to work and IS active, register and send me a private message. Verifying to me that you registered, I will then have to wait 3 months of YOU being active as a test. If you are active for 3 months straight I WILL BUY YOU A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP FOR YOUR ACCOUNT FOR 1 YEAR! All this as long as you register through this link only:
Proof 1: When I got the e-mail comfirmation from ClixSense.
Proof :
I speak with proof!
I'm a member since September 17, 2011 and after much work I finally got my transaction On Nov 10, 2011 ,
Website: LogiPTC